Grow your revenues with Shipup


Boost sales and satisfaction with precise delivery estimates, personalized repurchase recommendations, and insightful marketing performance tracking.


in repurchase rate


saved on customer support costs


time saved on ticket management

Smart Delivery Estimate

Smart Delivery Estimate

Smart Delivery Estimate transforms online shopping by providing precise delivery estimates, driving conversion and customer loyalty.

  • Increase conversion rates by offering accurate delivery estimates in your Product and Check out pages.
  • Reduce your contact rate thanks to clear and transparent information.
  • Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty through transparent customer experience.
Learn more

Repurchase Toolkit

Product Recommendation

Leverage exceptionally high engagement on tracking pages & notifications to promote products and increase your repurchase rate.

  • Offer personalized product recommendations based on real-time behavioral and transactional data as well as our predictive AI.
  • Monitor the performance of your recommendations through a dedicated marketing—making iterations easier, and letting you know which products sell the most in post-purchase
Promotional Banners

Push any promotional content to your customers (videos, images, links, etc.) to increase brand awareness, create repurchasing opportunities or improve their post-purchase experience.

  • Choose from various formats including video, images and GIFs to promote your products.
  • Adjust the look of promotional banners with number of products displayed and text
  • Personalize product recommendations directly in your tracking page and notifications
Marketing Apps Integration

Integrate your tracking pages and notifications with existing marketing integrations like Nosto or Gorgias.

Revenue Insights

Marketing Dashboard

Track the performance of all the marketing content you are pushing in Shipup (Open rate, click-through-rate, traffic, conversion rate, etc.).

  • Gain comprehensive insights into your marketing performance from repurchase rate to conversion rate from specific links.
  • Optimize tracking page and notifications for enhanced performance.
  • Centralize all notification and tracking data for streamlined management.


Shipup seamlessly integrates with business apps, e-commerce platforms, and delivery companies.

Claim dashboard icon

Claim dashboard

Shipup handles carrier claims in your ticketing tool with pre-filled forms and centralized tracking.

Incident dashboard icon

Incident dashboard

The incident dashboard provides visual insights into delivery incidents, enabling efficient management and proactive issue resolution.

Order tracking icon

Order tracking

Shipup centralizes delivery information, providing real-time updates and instant access to customer tracking data.

Chrome extension icon

Chrome extension

Shipup's Chrome extension instantly displays all customer tracking data within your CRM, enhancing support efficiency.

Shipup allows
our customer team to

focus their time beyond
ticket management

A woman dressed in white, smiling

Shipup allows our customer team to focus their time beyond
ticket management

Read the story

We increased our ROI by 350% with Shipup's proactive notification sent automatically after purchase.

Read the story

Jen Howell

Head of Customer Service & Logistics

Ugo Paties

Customer Operations Specialist @ Withings

Ready to reshape your post-purchase experience?

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